Cairo University

Faculty of Arts at Cairo University Organizes International Conference on Japanese and Arab Egyptian Model

Date :2017-07-21 14:12:07

Japanese Department, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University, organizes memorial international conference, entitled ،،The Re-evaluation of Modernism and Modernization in Non-Western Societies: Japanese and Arab Egyptian As a Model,,. The conference is organized in cooperation with Kurume University. It is sponsored by Cairo University President Gaber Nassar, Kurume University President Kensei Nagata, Faculty of Arts Dean Moataz Abdullah and the Ambassador of Japan in Cairo Takahiro Kagawa. The conference is held from July 15 – 16, 2017. The conference activities start at 9:30 a.m., at Conference Hall, Faculty of Arts, in the occasion of opening Center for Japanese Studies at Faculty of Arts, Cairo University.

The conference discusses many themes most prominent of which are Japanese and Egyptian Arab modernization experience, modernism and ideological, social and political issues and extraneous modern ideas and concepts. It also tackles modern education in Japan and its durability, modern and contemporary Japanese literature and research articles in Japanese linguistics.


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