Cairo University

Fathy Khodeir Appointed Assistant of Cairo University President for Faculty of Medicine Hospitals Development Projects

Date :2017-09-18 12:59:36

 Cairo University President Mohamed Osman Elkhosht issues a decree of appointing Faculty of Medicine Kasr Al Ainy Dean Fathy Khodeir as an Assistant of Cairo University President for Faculty of Medicine Hospitals development projects.

There are many projects being implemented within a comprehensive plan for the development of Cairo University hospitals including Kasr Al Ainy Old Hospital which is financed by a sum of money amounts to EGP 2, 000, 000, 000 and scheduled to be finished by 2020. The development of Abu Rish Children Hospital which is composed of 4 buildings is another project. It is Abu Rish Japanese Hospital, Cairo University Children Hospital (El Mounira), Centre for Social and Preventive Medicine, and outpatient clinics new building on a land bestowed by Arab African International Bank and donated from Japan as 18, 000, 000 to Cairo University. Free Emergency 185 project is also to be completed.  


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Fathy Khodeir Appointed Assistant of Cairo University President for Faculty of Medicine Hospitals Development Projects - Cairo University old website