Cairo University

Begin to Implement a Project Of The National Institute Of Oncology

Date :2012-04-05 00:14:09

the University of Cairo Council discussed  in a meeting chaired by dr Hossam Kamel, President of the University project to establish a National Institute of Oncology new steps implemented in stages with short term financial resources allocated to their account and contributions of the community 0 and Council agreed to allocate a land area of ​​36 acres on the campus in Sheikh Zayed City instead of the Earth allocated to it by an area of ​​50 acres extension North 6th of October City to the presence of facilities ready land of Sheikh Zayed help save time in the stages of construction and operation as compared to land the other, as well as for its proximity to the Institute of the old and its relation to transport links to facilitate access of patients, and surrounded and shrouded sites urban and commercial


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