Page 40 - Cairo University The Largest University in Middle East
P. 40


                 4038                   of Egypt’s academic publications
                                               according to Scopus
                                                                                3 Internationally
                                              10.50%                           Accredited Journals

                                                                                 African Research Journal
               Published Research             Increase in the number of      Journal of Political Science and
             Papers in International                researchers.                        Economics
                     Journals                  17.11%                               Journal of Nursing
                 3.43 %                   Increase in H-index & Impact Factor.

                   increase in 2018

          •  CU has been encouraging scholars and researchers to increase international publications. This year, the number of
             publications reached 4038 in highly ranked journals.
          •  Each faculty at CU has its own journal or bulletin and some have been internationally ranked.
          •  CU also has its own international journals.
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