Cairo University

Cairo University Finishes First Term Exams Preparations

Date :2016-12-31 20:47:14

Cairo University faculties finished all the arrangements of 2016/2017 first term exams. The arrangements are announcing the schedules, places and timing of exams as well as preparing exams halls and examination control rooms. Each faculty determined the schedules of its student exams according to the nature of study. Exams started on December 25, 2016, and ends on January 26, 2017. Mid-term vacation starts on January 28, 2017, and continues for two weeks.

Cairo University Vice-President for Education and Students Affairs Mohamed Osman El-Khosht said that ،،Education and Students Affairs Council held a meeting through which all first term exams arrangements in 2016/2017 were discussed. The arrangements include stressing the adherence of faculties to exam paper specifications in terms of form and content, finishing answer sheets, preparing exams halls, providing proctors, preparing examination control rooms and exams halls and banning entering them with mobile phones. Special committees were formed for patients at Student Hospital as well as special committees for those with special needs and providing them with companions. Exams operating room was formed and headed by Cairo University Vice-President for Education and Student Affairs. A daily report should be presented to the exams operating room on exams work progress and discussing any related complaints as well as forming committees for imprisoned students at Tura prison.

Cairo University President Gaber Nassar urged taking measures necessary for the comfort of students during performing exams, providing exams halls with security measures and guaranteeing the constant cleanness of hallsThe students who did not pay study fees are allowed to enter exams provided that they pay them in the second term. Cairo University President urged the adherence of academic staff members and employees to the university decree that states that their existence is a must during exams period and non-acceptance of any excuses except after the approval of Cairo University Vice-Dean or Faculty Dean and accrediting the approval by Cairo University President. Cheating penalties approved by Cairo University Council.

First term exams of the academic year 2016/2017 starts on December 25, 2016, at Faculty of Physical Therapy, December 26 at Faculty of Commerce, Archaeology and Dar El-Ulum, December 28 at faculties of Arts, Economics and Political Science and Mass Communication (late exams). First term exams at Faculty of Pharmacy will be on December 29, December 31 at Faculty of Engineering, January 1 at Faculty of Law,January 2 at faculties of Agriculture and Nursing, January 4 at Faculty of Computers and Information, January 5 at Faculty of Specific Education,January 9 at Faculty of Medicine and January 10 at Faculty of Urban Planning.


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