Cairo University

Cairo University Negates Rumor of Preventing its Professors from Conducting Dialogs with Journalists inside Campus

Date :2017-11-16 12:05:47

 Cairo University negates news published in Almal News in regard to the instructions claimed by the newspaper to be given by Cairo University. It is alleged by Almal News that journalists and TV channels are not allowed by Cairo University to make recordings for faculty members at campus except after getting approval from Cairo University Administration. Cairo University confirmed the falsity of this information.

Cairo University Media Counselor Fathy Abbas emphasized that ،،Cairo University does not prevent journalists or TV channels from entering Cairo University or conducting press dialogs or conferences with any authority or professors in the university.

The Media Counselor pointed out that Cairo University has media office that freely provides all communication mechanisms between the university and different mass media acclaimed by all journalists. The office facilitates the tasks for all press and TV reporters to perform their work inside the university to the full. It also provides to them all information required by their work and help them to communicate with Cairo University President and all university leaderships, professors, and students.,,

Fathy Abbas said that ،،Cairo University is a partner to media which works freely and transparently. Cairo University respects and appreciates its professors and guarantees their freedom. The published news is a sheer fabrication.


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Cairo University Negates Rumor of Preventing its Professors from Conducting Dialogs with Journalists inside Campus - Cairo University old website