Cairo University

Cairo University Was Honored The Families Students Of The Martyrs Of Events Port Said Stadium

Date :2012-04-13 01:02:14

Cairo University has seen a meeting yesterday to honor the families of martyrs of students from Cairo University in events Port Said Stadium . The d. Hossam Kamel, President of Cairo University and in the and the. Izz al-Din Abu State Vice President for Education and Student Affairs Dr.. Wael elDogoi president of Faculty of Engineering, delivered the families of martyrs insurance due to them from the university, and $ 20 thousand pounds, along with certificates of appreciation to the families of the martyrs and the shield of the university. He d. Hossam Kamel, during his meeting with the families of the martyrs, the family of Cairo University renewed its claim to speed in just retribution from the perpetrators of the massacre Stadium Port Said, which claimed the lives of young innocent among them were students from Cairo University in the faculties of engineering, law, trade, stressing pride, Cairo University, Evans said the martyrs and the appreciation full for their families. It should be noted that 5 of Cairo University students killed in the bloody events in Port Said Stadium in a soccer match.


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