Cairo University

Workshop in the Field of Arabic Language Technology

Event Date :2014-10-23

Time : 09:30:00

Location : Seminar Room- Faculty of Computers and Information

Organizer : Faculty of Computers and Information - Cairo University

About Event :

Due to the growing interest in Arabic Language technology, The center of data mining, Faculty of Computers and Information, with (ITIDA-ITAC) organise a workshop on research projects funded by the Information Technology Industry in the field of technology Arabic language and include the following projects:

  1.      Virtual Tutor

  2.      Arabic Search Engine

  3.      Online Handwriting Arabic Character Recognition

  4.      A Product for Arabic Optical Character Recognition

  5.      Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining of the Arabic Web

  6.      Kids Stories Teller E-Reader (Al Rawy)

  7.      Originality Analyzer for Arabic Text

  8.      Arabic Sign Language Translator (ASLT)

  9.      Social Media Analytics

  10.      Large Vocabulary Arabic Handwriting Recognition System

Where the workshop aims to maximize the benefit from the support effort of the Information Technology Industry of these research projects through the exchange of information and coordination of efforts among those who made it.

Workshop will be held in Thursday, October 23, 2014 - the seminar hall (Hall of Prof. Rasmi) at the Faculty of Computing and Information

Note: The workshop will start at 09:30 according to the agenda on the following link.


To register for the workshop - please filled the registration form at the following link

Registration link in the workshop


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