Cairo University

Seminar at the Center of Foreign Languages ​​and Translation

Date :2011-05-11 00:37:11

 Seminar Centre of Foreign Languages ​​and Translation at the University of Cairo to discuss the reconstruction of the State Almbarpd. Mohammed Kst: I invite students to join the new parties Called d. Mohammed Kst director of the Center of Foreign Languages ​​and Translation, Cairo University students to join the new parties, considering it as the basis of life Alsyaybp after the revolution of January 25. He said at a seminar organized by the Centre under the title of the future of the Egyptian political system and the building of the Egyptian state in the presence of a large number of students that democratic legitimacy is the basis of state-building and the priority must be the establishment of democratic political system involves the construction of the parties democratically elected parliament and a permanent constitution is agreed upon by the majority, with the chapter root among the authorities to ensure that no corruption of political life. And he added. Kst stages it must pass to rebuild the country has achieved some of these stages, or some of its elements. Hence, must be achieved unless the checks in the light of Aloolulyat, the most important stages that should be the focus in the following period is the shift from the stage of demolition to the construction phase and the establishment of elements of the political system in a manner that combines the presidential system and parliamentary system so that the validity of the Head of State restricted parliament. 



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