Cairo University

Cairo University Launches 7 Research Projects to Provide Alternatives for Imported Poultry Feed and Aquifer at Siwa and Gara Oases

Date :2018-05-29 13:27:44

Elkhosht: ،We Have Plans for Maximizing Benefits of Scientific Research Results in Supporting National Development and Economy,

Cairo University President Mohamed Othman Elkhosht announces that Cairo University launches and finances a number of applied research projects among faculty members and youth researchers at Cairo University that cover research fields to serve the state development goals. Applied research projects provide scientific solutions for limiting imports and using local technology. Cairo University President pointed out that research projects related to alternatives of imported poultry feed, alternatives of imported fish feed, and providing aquifer in Siwa and Gara Oases to reclaim agricultural lands are the most prominent allocated research projects.


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Cairo University Launches 7 Research Projects to Provide Alternatives for Imported Poultry Feed and Aquifer at Siwa and Gara Oases - Cairo University old website