Cairo University

2185 Students Fighting in Elections at Cairo University

Date :2012-04-08 00:10:38

The student elections at Cairo University announced that, the final lists of students applying for student elections in all the colleges after examining a number of appeals filed between students nominated through a committee of students from non-candidate students and a faculty member of their choice. The number of students applying for the elections students in all faculties of the university 2185 students, a number of little more than the number of applicants in the academic year last year, and was the largest number of students of the candidates from the Faculty of Commerce and numbered 251 students, followed by Law 200 and Engineering 159, while less number of students candidates to contest the student elections at the Faculty of Specific Education, 40 students and student and Sciences 65 Medicine mouth and teeth 71 and media 77. and begin the first stage in the student elections University on Wednesday, April 11 and during which open voting committees for students to choose the members of the committees student at the college level and the counting of votes on the same day and declare the result after the end of the screening process are carried off on Thursday, April 12


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