Cairo University

Starting the Procedures of Choosing Nomination Committees of Faculties Deans

Date :2014-07-09 20:25:02

On Monday, July 7, 2014, Cairo University’s Dean Council, headed by Dr.\ Gaber Nassar, President of Cairo University, and has been held to discuss starting executive procedures of selecting committees of nominating faculty’s deans whom places will be vacant by the end of July. The committees include Faculties of Pharmacy, Oral and Dental Medicine, Mass Communication, Science, Agriculture, and Institute of Statistical Research and Studies.

During the meeting, the council agreed on starting holding faculties’ councils during the current week to nominate members of the committees from faculties provided that each faculty council or institute council choose two professors and another spare professors. According to the law, President of Cairo University chooses three members and another spare one.During the meeting, President of Cairo University confirmed that faculties’ councils’ choosing of committees’ members should be registered in a documented official record. President of Cairo University has also confirmed that Monday, July 14 is the deadline for faculties’ councils to finish nomination of its members at committees.


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