CU Support Grants

The importance of cultural work is represented in being one of the tools of the state's external policy. External policy is related to both soul and intellect, thus, the impact is profounder and more lasting. Concerning the events that the rapid world witnesses today, were are forcibly invented to work on glorifying and confirming the role of cultural work.

We notice that many countries pay attention to cultural work in managing their external relations with other countries. Those countries transfer most of the budget of their external representation to the cultural activity as they recognize that they can achieve both their economic and political goals and further than that through cultural influence.

Egypt has the most ancient civilization in history and its civil giving has not stopped yet. Egypt is considered a source of emitting cultural influence since opening its door and heart for Islam, and became the essence of Arabism and the fortress of Islam, especially since establishing Al-Azhar that has its tangible effect on the whole world until the present.

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