the European-Mediterranean Postgraduate Program on Organ Donation and Transplantation - EMPODaT

Cairo University is pleased to announce its participation in the European-Mediterranean Postgraduate Program on Organ Donation and Transplantation (EMPODaT), which aims to train doctors specializing in the field of organ donation and transplantation, in partnership with Arab Universities (Mansoura, Balamand, Lebanese-American, Hassan II, and Mohammed V Souissi) and European Universities (Barcelona, Albert-Ludwigz, Nice, and Lund) and with the support of the European Union.

For more information and for those who want to join the program, please contact the program coordinators or visit the website:


Latest Research Project

Prince Naif Award for Arab Security 2017
General Union of Arab Archaeologists Awards 2017
Workshop about Funding opportunities for Scientific research, mobility and upcoming open calls 2016
An international workshop entitled - ethical discipline to take care of the use of animals in education and scientific research for 2016 -
Central research competition for the culture of the Arab Women for 2016

the European-Mediterranean Postgraduate Program on Organ Donation and Transplantation - EMPODaT - Cairo University