Erasmus+ mobilities managed by Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași are available for:
1. Students and staff of one of our Partner universities interested in performing a study/ teaching/ training mobility in Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași.
2. Students and staff of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași interested in performing a study/ teaching/ training mobility in one of our Partner universities.
Please note that according to the Erasmus+ Programme regulations, mobility flows of students and staff between Partner Countries universities are not eligible.
For more details on the eligibility criteria for students and staff applying for Erasmus+ mobility, please check the Erasmus+ Programme Guide.
If you are interested in an academic mobility (study/ teaching/ training) to/ from a university which is not listed among the Partners of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, please contact us at erasmusplus@uaic.ro.
for more information, please view the file
Latest Scholarships
27 scholarships in India
Fulbright Egyptian Scholar Program for master 2017
The Arturo Falaschi ICGEB Fellowship Programmes 2017
Master Scholarships to study in England for academic year 2016-2017
Mobility for International Learning Experiences 2 Erasmus+ Programme for Undergraduate- MSc- Ph.D.- Teaching- Administrators