A Mandate to Modern University for Science and Technology
Prof. Dr.\ Amal Samy, Full Professor of Biostatistics and Cancer Epidemiology Department, has been mandated for working at Modern University for Science and Technology for a day per week. ...Details

A Mandate to Misr University for Science and Technology
Prof. Dr.\ Loubna Ahmed Abdul-Azim, Professor of Clinical Pathology, has been mandated to work at Misr University for Science and Technology as a teacher of Faculty of Medicine for a day per week. ...Details

A Special Leave without Pay
A special leave without pay has been donated at Anesthesia and Pain Relief for Dr.\ Taher Said Thabet, Dr.\ Mohamed Metwally Ali, and Prof. Dr.\ Ayman Ali Ashry. ...Details

Radio-Diagnosis Department
Dr.\ Mohamed Samy Said, Teacher of Radio-Diagnosis Department, has been donated a leave without pay for three months for special circumstances. ...Details

Pathology Department
Prof. Dr.\ Amany Abdul-Hamid, Professor of Pathology Department, has been donated a special leave without pay. ...Details

Surgical Oncology
Prof. Dr.\ Tarek Essam El-Din, Professor of Surgical Oncology, has got a renewal of his Secondment to work at Kuwait for the ninth academic year. ...Details

Secondment to KSA
Prof. Dr.\ Al-Sayed Ashraf Abdul-Hamid, Professor of Surgical Oncology, has got a renewal of his Secondment to work at KSA for the ninth academic year. ...Details

Secondment to Emirates
Dr.\ Yehia Labib Mahmoud Mustafa, a Teacher of Radio-Diagnosis, has got an approval of a Secondment to work at Emirates for the first academic year. ...Details

Professor of Medical Oncology Department
Prof. Ass. Dr.\ Ola Mohamed Reda, Professor Assistant of Medical Oncology, has been appointed Professor according to a decree of the Constant Scientific Committee for Surgical Oncology, Internal Radioactive Therapy, and Nuclear Medicine concerning Professors professions. ...Details

Anesthesia and Pain Relief Department
Dr.\ Ghada Mohamed Nabih Bashandy, Teacher of Anesthesia and Pain Relief Department, has been appointed Professor Assistant due to a decree from the Constant Scientific Committee for Anesthesia concerning assistant professors professions. ...Details

Medical Oncology
A request by Prof. Dr.\ Ahmed Al-Khodary to work as a Visitor Professor at Medical Oncology, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, has been approved. ...Details

Radio-Diagnosis Department
Ola Magdy Mohamed has been nominated to Demonstrator of Radio-Diagnosis Department, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University....Details

Radio-Diagnosis Department, National Cancer Institute
A request of Amany Hussein Abdul-Hafiz for Demonstrator Degree at Radio-Diagnosis Department, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, has been approved. ...Details

Clinical Pathology Department
Prof. Dr.\ Loubna Ahmed Abdul-Azim, Professor of Clinical Pathology Department, has been mandated to teach at Faculty of Medicine, Misr University for Science and Technology. ...Details

Radio-Diagnosis Department
A request of Amany Hussein Abdul-Hafiz for Demonstrator Degree at Radio-Diagnosis Department, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, has been approved. ...Details

Prof. Dr.\ Manar Mohamed Mounir, Professor of Biostatistics and Cancer Epidemiology, has been mandated to teach Biostatistics, first term, second year, for 30 hours at Institute of Nursing and Health Sciences, Sheikh Zayed, Cairo University. ...Details

Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Misr University for Science and Technology
Prof. Dr.\ Farida Hasan Gadallah, Professor of Clinical Pathology Department, has been mandated to teach at Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Misr University for Science and Technology. ...Details

Prof. Dr.\ Amirs Raafat, Professor of Pathology Department, has been mandated to work at Misr University for Science and Technology to teach Pathology. ...Details

Prof. Dr.\ Dalia Belal Mohamed, Professor Assistant at Biostatistics and Cancer Epidemiology Department, to teach Epidemiology, second term, for first year, at Nursing and Health Sciences, Sheikh Zayed. ...Details

Renewing a Secondment at Radio-Diagnosis Department
Secondment of Dr.\ Ahmed Mohamed Ali, Teacher of Radio-Diagnosis Department, has been renewed to work at KSA for the fourth academic year starting by 1/9/2014 to 28/4/2015. ...Details

Secondment Renewal at Radio-Therapy Department
Secondment of Prof. Dr.\ Hasan Abdul-Moneim Hasan, Professor of Radio-Therapy and Nuclear Medicine, has been renewed to work at KSA for the fifth academic year starting by 1/9/2014. ...Details

New Heads of Scientific Departments
E-portal Family congratulates new heads of scientific departments who have been appointed by the beginning of the new academic year, they are: Prof. Dr.\ Maha Hussein Mohamed, Head of Radio-Diagnosis Department Prof. Dr.\ Gamal Emeira Mohamed, Head of Surgical Oncology Department Prof. Dr.\ Othman Mansour Soliman, Head of Medical Oncology Department ...Details

Thanking all Former Heads of Departments
E-portal Family thanks all former heads of departments for all their efforts and achievements, wishing them good health and happiness, they are: Prof. Dr.\ Heba Mohamed Rabea, Head of Medical Oncology Department Prof. Dr.\ Mohamed Gamil Abdul-Moneim, Head of Surgical Oncology Department Prof. Dr.\ Ekram Hamed Mahmoud, Head of Radio-Diagnosis Department ...Details

E-portal Family congratulates Prof. Dr.\ Manar Al-Lamei, Head of Biostatistics and Cancer Epidemiology, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, for being selected Council Secretary for year 2014-2015. ...Details

An Agreement between the Institute and Ministry of Health
Signing of an agreement between the Institute and the Ministry of Health for the management and operation of the Hermel Hospital for teaching to cadres of the Ministry of Health, this will be by taking advantage of (14) beds at ICU and (34) beds at the internal department and that will be through the cooperation of Oncology Medicine, Pediatric Oncology and Surgical Oncology. Heads of departments appealed to start working out during the month at the most. ...Details

Cooperation between Cairo University and University of Lubeck
Council of Radio-Therapy Department has approved opening a scientific channel between Cairo University and University of Lubeck, Germany, to mutually supervise PhD. thesis, by Tamer Mohamed Ragab, Teacher Assistant of Radio-Therapy Department. The thesis is entitled “Study of the use of radiotherapy for near-oriented and variable intensity interferometer imaging with surgery for the treatment of cancerous tumor”. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Mervat...Details

Study Leave
Tamer Mohamed Ragab has been donated study leave starting from 1/12/2014. This is according to being in a scholarship of mutual supervision at Germany – University of Lubeck in cooperation between The Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education. ...Details

Dr.\ Marwa Ons Abdul-Rahman, Dr.\ Mohamed Khalaf Ali and Dr.\ Ali Ahmed Abdul-Khalek have been appointed Teacher Assistants at Radio-Diagnosis Department for having PhD. degree in Radio-Diagnosis. ...Details

Promotion at Surgical Oncology Department
Prof. Dr.\ Omar Zakareya Youssef and Prof. Dr.\ Amr Hamed Selim, Assistant Professors of Surgical Oncology Department, have been promoted Professors. ...Details

National Cancer Institute in Sheikh Zayed City
General outline of the National Cancer Institute in Sheikh Zayed City in Giza, and includes in its final phase: 1000-bed teaching hospital with full services for the treatment of children and adults, research center and cancer treatment, training and conference center and library, the Institute of Oncology Nursing, Institute of Oncology technicians. Donation: Account No. 500500 all Egyptian banks (Egyptian and dollars) - in Cairo University - Sheikh Zayed City - Giz...Details

Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplant Unit
Protocol was signed operating unit of Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplant Hospital, Dar es Salaam (Hermel) between the National Cancer Institute and the Ministry of Health signed a protocol of both: Prof. Dean of the Institute and the Director of the Directorate of Health Affairs in Cairo, based on the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Ministers of Health and the President of the University of Cairo under the auspices of Eng.\ Ibrahim Mahlab Prime M...Details

Training and Education Department
Education and Training Department, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, has organized a workshop, entitled "Breast Cancer". This has been made with coordination between Surgery Department and Internal Department at the institute....Details

Bioinformatics Molecular Diagnostic Virus
The first workshop in "Bioinformatics Molecular Diagnostic Virus" has been held at Oncology Biology Department, National cancer Institute, Cairo University. ...Details

Demonstrator of Anesthesia and Pain Relief Department
Riham Gamal, a Demonstrator of Anesthesia and Pain Relief Department, has been appointed Teacher Assistant for having M.Sc. degree. ...Details

Teacher Assistant of Radio-Therapy Department
Yasser Mohamed Ragab, Teacher Assistant of Radio-Therapy Department, has been appointed a Teacher for having PhD. degree. ...Details

Radio-Therapy Department
Adly Fawzy Abdul-Salam, Teacher Assistant of Radio-Therapy Department, has been appointed a Teacher for having PhD. degree. ...Details

Appointing Teacher Assistant
Maha Mohsen Omran, a Demonstrator of Radio-Therapy Department, has been appointed a Teacher Assistant for having M.Sc. degree. ...Details

Demonstrator of Pathology Department
Mohamed Abdullah Ali, a Demonstrator of Pathology Department, has been appointed a Teacher Assistant for having M.Sc. degree. ...Details

Surgical Oncology
Yasser Abdul-Hamid Al-Dbiky, a Demonstrator of Surgical Oncology, has been appointed a Teacher Assistant for having M.Sc. degree. ...Details

Medical Oncology Department
Dr.\ Safaa Mohamed Ramadan, Teacher of Medical Oncology Department, has been donated the scientific title of Assistant Professor at the same department. ...Details

Clinical Pathology
A secondment of Prof. Dr.\ Azza Hamdy Abdul-Majid, Assistant professor of Clinical Pathology, has been renewed to work at Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the eighth academic year starting from 1/9/2014. ...Details

Faculty of Medical Sciences at Umm Al-Qura University
Prof. Dr.\ Manar Mohamed Ismail, Professor Assistant of Clinical Pathology, has been renewed to work at Faculty of Medical Sciences at Umm Al-Qura University for the sixth academic year. ...Details

German Saudi Hospital at KSA
Dr.\ Essam Hamed Al-Noshokaty, Teacher of Clinical Pathology Department, has been seconded to work at the German Saudi Hospital at KSA for the first academic year. ...Details

Clinical Pathology Department
Dr.\ Amr Zaher, Consultant at Clinical Pathology Department, has been seconded to work at Faculty of Medicine, Al-Dammam University, KSA, for the first academic year from 1/9/2014. ...Details

Tumor Biology Department
A secondment of Prof. Dr.\ Raafat Abdul-Gawad Al-Awady, Professor of Tumor Biology Department, has been renewed to work at Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sharjah, for the ninth academic year starting from 1/9/2015. ...Details

Pediatric Oncology Clinic
Actual work of Pediatric Oncology Clinic and Oncology Medicine clinic at new clinics building has started. Surgery clinic will be transported as soon as the attendance schedules and regulatory actions are finished. ...Details

New Branch of National Cancer Institute, Sheikh Zayed
(SOM) company has finished designs of the hospital devoted to the new branch of the institute, Sheikh Zayed, with 4 million dollars to build on 40% of the land’s area of 33 acres allocated to the institute. ...Details

Nile Valley Company
A tender was conducted with the Nile Valley company to complete the construction work of the southern building the building and the middle building about the amount with about 35 million pounds. ...Details

Children's Cancer Hospital 57357
Prof. Dr.\ Maged Mohamed Ash-Shafei, Professor of Surgery Department, has been seconded to work at Children's Cancer Hospital 57357 for the eighth academic year. ...Details

Secondment Renewal
Secondment of Prof. Dr.\ Alaa Abdul-Hamid Younes, Professor of Surgery Department, has been renewed to work at Children's Cancer Hospital 57357 for the eighth academic year....Details

Clinical Pathology
The secondment of Prof. Dr.\ Hala Taha Salem, Professor of Clinical Pathology, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, has been renewed for the eighth academic year....Details

A Secondment to Kuwait
The secondment of Prof. Ass.Dr.\ Wael Tharwat Abu-Deif, Professor Assistant of Pathology Department, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, has been renewed to work at Kuwait for the eighth academic year....Details

Pthology Department
Secondment of Prof. Ass.Dr.\ Naglaa Abdul-Rehim, Professor Asssistant at Pathology Department, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, has been renewed to work at Children's Cancer Institute Hospital for the sixth academic year....Details

Tumor Biology Department
The secondment of Prof. Dr.\ Mohamed Mahmoud Hafez, Professor Assistant of Tumor Biology Department, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, has been renewed to work at Faculty of Pharmacy, King Saud University, at Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for the seventh academic year....Details

A Secondment to Kingdom of Saudi Arabis
The secondment of Prof. Dr.\ Ghada Al-Awady, Professor of Anesthesia and Pain Relief Department, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, to KSA has been renewed for the eighth academic year....Details

Surgery Department
Prof. Ass. Dr.\ Tarek Essam-el-Din, Professor Assistant at Surgery Department, has renewed his secondment to work at Kuwait for the eighth academic year....Details

Parotid Gland Imaging
Dr.\ Ayda Youssef will give a lecture, entitled “Parotid Gland Imaging”, on 5/6, at 12 p.m., at Radio-Diagnosis Department....Details

Dr.\ Eman Kamal Abdul-Fattah, Teacher of Clinical Pathology, has been seconded for a year from 15/3/2014 to work at Kuwait....Details

Anesthesia and Pain Relief Department
Dr.\ Mohamed Mustafa Mahmoud, Teacher of Anesthesia and Pain Relief, has renewed his secondment from 15/4/2014 to work at Children’s Cancer Hospital 57357....Details

Secondment Renewal
Prof. Dr.\ Magda Shokry Aazer, Professor of Anesthesia and Pain Relief, has renewed her secondment at Children’s Cancer Hospital 57357....Details

Pediatric Oncology Department
A special leave without pay has been approved to Hisham Mohamed Fahmy, Teacher at National Cancer Institute, for three months from 1/4/2014 to 30/6/2014....Details

Epidemiology of Cancer Department
Prof. Dr.\ Dalia Belal, Assistant Professor at National Cancer Institute, has been mandated to teach Epidemiology of Cancer at Technical Institute of Nursing....Details

Pathology Department
Prof. Dr.\ Hasan Nabil Tawfik, Full Professor at National Cancer Institute, has been mandated to Misr University for Science and Technology....Details

Nominating Demonstrators
Radio-Therapy Department has approved nominating Heba-tu-llah Khaled Ibrahim, Asmaa Magdy Saad, Maha Mehisen Omran for being demonstrators at Radio-Therapy Department....Details

Clinical Pathology Department
Ass. Prof. Dr.\ Heba Sayed Ali, Assistant Professor of Clinical Pathology, has been appointed Professor of the department. ...Details

Therapeutic Rays and Nuclear Medicine Department
Ismail Mohamed Mustafa, demonstrator at Nuclear Medicine, has been appointed Teacher Assistant. Dr.\ Amr Gaber Mousa, Teacher of Therapeutic Rays and Nuclear Medicine Department, has been appointed Professor Assistant of the department. Ass. Prof. Dr.\ Ahmed Mohamed Zaher, Associate Professor of Therapeutic Rays and Nuclear Medicine, has been appointed Professor of the department. ...Details

Bio Oncology Department
Ouhoud Abdul-Moneim Nassar, Demonstrator (Viruses and Immunity Unit), Bio Oncology Department, has been appointed Teacher Assistant for getting M.Sc. degree in Bio Oncology. ...Details

Weekly Scientific Meeting
Weekly scientific meeting will be held on 7/4/2014 at medical Statistic Department, entitled "Evaluation of breast light as a tool for early detection of breast cancer among females attending national cancer institute - Cairo University". It is lectured by Dr.\ Shaimaa Abdul-Alim Abdul-Galil. It will be held at Grand Celebrations Hall of the Institute, from 8, 30 to 10, 00. ...Details

Appointments at Radio-Diagnosis Department
Yasser Mohamed Mustafa, Teacher Assistant of Radio-Diagnosis, and Mohamed Samy Said, Teacher Assistant of Radio-Diagnosis Department, have been appointed Teacher for having PhD. degree in Radio-Diagnosis. ...Details

Appointments at Anesthesia and Pain Relief Department
Riham Mohamed Gamal has been appointed demonstrator of Anesthesia and Pain Relief Department. Mohamed Al-Wakil Mahmoud, Demonstrator of Anesthesia and Pain Relief Department, has been appointed Teacher Assistant. ...Details

Appointment at Radio-Therapy
Prof. Dr.\ Magdy Hasan Qotb, Professor Assistant of Radio-Therapy, has been appointed Professor at the department. ...Details

Appointment at Pediatric Oncology
Prof. Dr.\ Mohamed Fawzy Ibrahim, Professor Assistant of Pediatric Oncology, has been appointed Professor. ...Details

Appointment at Surgical Oncology Department
Mohamed Ibrahim Fahim, demonstrator of Surgical Oncology Department, has been appointed Teacher Assistant for having M.Sc. degree. ...Details

Renewing Secondments
Secondment of Prof. Dr.\ Saad Mohamed Ali, Professor of Tumor Biology, has been renewed to work at Faculty of Applied Sciences – Qassim University at KSA, from 1/9/2013 to 31/8/2014. Secondment of Prof. Dr.\ Yasser Sayed Bayoumy, Professor Assistant of Radio-Therapy, has been renewed to work at KSA, for academic year 2013/2014 from 5/1/2014. ...Details

Renewed Mandate
The internal secondment of Prof. Dr.\ Hany Hussein, Professor of Pediatric Oncology, has been renewed to work at Children Cancer Hospital 57357of academic year 2013-2014, starting by 31/8/2013 to 31/8/2014. Mandate of Prof. Dr.\ Mohamed Helmy Abdul-Moneim (Pathology Department) has been renewed as cultural consultant and manager of educational mission at Washington, USA, from 28/1/2014 to 13/6/2014. ...Details

Mandate to South Valley Institute
Prof. Dr.\ Nelly Hasan Ali-el-Din, Professor of Biostatistics and Cancer Epidemiology, has been mandated to be head of Biostatistics and Cancer Epidemiology at South Valley Institute, Assiut. ...Details

Educational Workshop
Euro - Arab school of oncology workshop 5th easo educational workshop on breast re-constructive surgery 24-25 march 2014 Cairo - Egypt ...Details

Cytopathology Workshop
1 st cytopathology meeting and workshop NCI - Cairo University Pathology department, cytology division February 12-13, 2014 ...Details

NCI Internet
NCI Internet Daily open time From 8.30 am to 10.00 am From 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm ...Details

Acute Leukemia Cases
M.Sc. thesis, by Ola Mohamed Mahmoud, entitled "Study backlash cases of acute leukemia mixed descent, the National Institute of Oncology", has been discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Mohamed Abdul-Moaty Samra, Prof. Dr.\ Nahla Mohamed Al-Sharkawy and Dr.\ Amira Diaa Darwish. Committee of Arbitration and Discussion is composed of Prof. Dr.\ Mohamed Abdul-Moaty Samra, Prof. Dr.\ Raafat Mohamed Abdul-F...Details

Parathyroid Gland
M.Sc. thesis, by Amr Mahmoud Ahmed, entitled "Clinical study in pathological hyperactivity first parathyroid gland", will be discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Samy Ramzy Shehata, Prof. Dr.\ Eman Gouda and Dr.\ Ashraf Hamed Shawky. Committee of Arbitration and Discussion is composed of Prof. Dr.\ Samy Ramzy Shehata, Prof. Dr.\ Sherif Abdul-Aziz and Prof. Dr.\ Soliman Al-Shakhs. ...Details

Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer
A lecture, entitled "Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer with Magnetic Resonance", has been given by Prof. Dr.\ Sherif Gamal Nour, Professor of Diagnostic Radiology at Emory University, Atlanta, USA. ...Details

Clinical Pathology Department
The Clinical Pathology Department has invited Prof. Dr.\ Tarek Mansour to deliver a lecture, entitled "Outcome of Hepatitis B Virus: A Decision of the Immune System", on 22/1/2014. ...Details

Scientific Meeting of Surgery Department
The monthly scientific meeting of surgery department has been held on 20/1/2014. It is presented by Prof. Dr.\ Ashraf Zaghloul, Prof. Dr.\ Ahmed Lotfy and Dr.\ Ahmed Mustafa. ...Details

Tumor rare (Vyukrumusatoma)

For the treatment of chemical thermal heating
no translate...Details

Emeritus Professor of Medical Oncology
Prof. Dr.\ Imad Obeid – Professor of Department of Medical Oncology has been mandated to work at health insurance (Hospital Abu Rish – students). Prof. Dr.\ Mohamed Mounir Abu Ela – Full Professor of Medical Oncology at the British University in Egypt has been mandated to teach for one day a week during the second semester of the academic year 2013-2014....Details

Teaching Batinah Technical Institute of Nursing
Prof. Dr.\ Nasr Allahloby – Professor of Department of Oncology has been mandated for teaching internal medicine at Technical Institute of Nursing – National Cancer Institute .Prof. Dr.\ Nadia Mokhtar – Professor of Department of Pathology has been mandated for teaching at the Faculty of Medicine Misr University for Science and Technology for two days per week for the academic year 2013 - 2014....Details

Scientific Committee of the Standing
Dr.\ Hesham Mohamed Abdel Fattah - Consultant Assistant unity Dental Surgery and Dental has been promoted as a Consultant of the department, according to a decision of the Standing Scientific Committee for oral surgery and maxillofacial anesthesia for professors and assistant professors....Details

Financial Manager for the unity of the treatment paid
Mr. / Edward Said Halim has been appointed Financial Manager Care Unit paid for a year to take advantage of his experience and training new cadres based on the approval of the hospital and the treatment unit paid on 10.27.2013....Details

Doctor of first-class specialist
Iman Mohammed Osama Tony - a doctor from the first-class specialist has been appointed at the department as a colleague for receiving a Ph.D. in clinical oncology....Details

Breast Reconstructive Surgery
5th EASO Educational Workshop on "Breast Reconstructive Surgery 24-25 March 2014 Cairo,Egypt This Workshop has been organized in collaboration with the national Cancer institute ...Details

Scientific Thinking
A lecture, entitled "Scientific Thinking", will be lectured by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Nabil Al-Balqiny, on 11 and 18/11 at 8,30 a.m. at Great Lectures Hall, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. ...Details

Thyroid Cancer
M.Sc. thesis, by Sherif Mohamed Ali, entitled "Patterns of failure after surgery for differentiated thyroid cancer and factors associated with recurrence and persistence of disease", has been discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Sherif Abdul-Aziz Al-Sherfi, Prof. Dr. Ali Hasan Maabad and Dr. Tarek Sherif Al-Baradei. Committee of Arbitration is composed of Prof. Dr. Sherif Abdul-Aziz, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Hany Al-Na...Details

Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients
On 23/10/2013, M.Sc. thesis, by Asmaa Attia Ahmed, entitled "Disease outcome of newly diagnosed pediatric acute myeloid leukemia patients, experience of National Cancer Institute, Egypt", will be discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr. Emad Nabil Ebeid, Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Kamel and Dr. Eman Zaghloul Qandil. Committee of Arbitration is composed of Dr. Emad Nabil Ebeid, Prof. Dr. Loubna Mohamed Al-Amin and...Details

Nucleotide Polymorphism
On 22/10/2013, PhD. thesis, by Hany Yosry Nasr-u-Allah, entitled "Role of XPD and XRCCI DNA Repair gene single nucleotide polymorphism in The pathogenesis and outcome of acute myeloid leukemia", will be discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr. Khaled Mustafa Abul-Enein, Prof. Dr. Basma Mustafa Al-Gamal, Prof. Dr. Amany Mohamed Helal and Prof. Dr. Gamal Thabet Ali. Committee of Arbitration is composed...Details

Cinematic show for Patient children and Nile cruise
In cooperation with Resala Charity Organization, Feisal branch, a tour has been organized for patient children of National Cancer Institute with their families. The tour was to El-Sawy Culture Wheel, it included cinematic show for children and Nile cruise. ...Details

Right Nutritional Collectibles Program
Program of right nutritional collectibles will be held at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, from 1-2/10/2013, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. It will be lectured by Dr. Osama Fekry at Egyptian Society for Cancer Diseases Hall which will held its annual conference "Best of ASCO" at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, from 12-13/12/2013, at Grand Nile Tower – Cairo. ...Details

Early Breast Carcinoma
M.Sc. thesis, by Reham El-Said Awad, entitled "Outcome of breast conservation therapy in early breast carcinoma : clinicopathological study for the patterns of treatment failure ", will be discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Amr Abdul-Majid Atteya, Dr.\ Nelly Hasan Mohamed, and Prof. Dr.\ Eman Gouda Farahat. Committee of Arbitration and Discussion is composed of Prof. Dr.\ Amr Abdul-Majid Atteya, Pro...Details

National Cancer Institute Pediatric Cohort
M.Sc. thesis, by Nashwa Mahmoud Ezz-el-Din, entitled "Biphenotypic acute leukemia : diagnosis and outcome among National Cancer Institute pediatric cohort ", will be discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Mohamed Fawzy Ibrahim, Prof. Dr.\ Hany Abdul-Rahman, and Dr.\ Nahla Mohamed El-Sharkawy. Committee of Arbitration and Discussion is composed of Prof. Dr.\ Mohamed Fawzy Ibrahim, Prof. Dr.\ Loubna Mohamed...Details

Teachers at National Cancer Institute
Alaa-el-Din Hussein Ahmed has been appointed Teacher at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, as he has got PhD. degree in Oncology Surgery. Mohamed Mahmoud Hegazy has been appointed Teacher at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, as he has got PhD. degree in Anesthesia and Pain Relief. ...Details

Teaher Assistant at National Cancer Institute
Yasser Abdul-Majid has been appointed Teacher Assistant at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, as he has got M.Sc. degree. Rasha Mahmoud Allam has been appointed Teacher at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, as she has got M.Sc. degree. ...Details

Professor Scientific Title
Hend Ateya Abbas has been appointed Teacher Assistant at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, as she has got M.Sc. degree. Prof. Dr.\ Mohamed Abdul-Moaty has got professor scientific title. ...Details

National Cancer Institute
Heba Ali Mohamed has been appointed Teacher at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, as she has got PhD. degree. Marwa Mahmoud Hussein has been appointed Teacher Assistant at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, as she has got PhD. degree. ...Details

Operations and Intensive Care Wing
Prof. Dr.\ Mai Kamal El-Helaly has been appointed manager of operations and intensive care wing. Dr.\ Ashraf Shawky has been appointed manager of operations. Prof. Dr.\ Hamdy Hamed Ibrahim has been mandated as a supervisor of the internal department of National Cancer Institute's hospital. ...Details

Liver Implantation
On 1/7/2013, M.Sc. thesis, by Ahmed El-Sherbiny Ramadan, entitled "Liver Implantation in Liver Cancer Cases", will be discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Wahid Yousry Garir, Prof. Dr.\ Mohamed El-Kalaawy, and Dr.\ Gamal Emira Mohamed. ...Details
Breast Cancer After Chemical Treatment
PhD. thesis, by Amr Kamal Mohamed, entitled "Radical Removal of Breast while keeping Dermatitis Cover and Immediate Repair of Advanced Breast Cancer After Chemical Treatment", has been discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Mahmoud Basyouny, Prof. Dr.\ Omaya Abdul-Hamid, and Dr.\ Mustafa Abdul-Tawab. ...Details

Cancerous Tumors of Chest
M.Sc. thesis, by Mohamed Mohamed Rahoma, entitled "Cancerous Tumors of Chest Wall: Clinical Pathological Study of Patients Surgically Treated", has been discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Sherif Bahaa-el-Din and Prof. Dr.\ Eman Loey Hussein. ...Details

Chemical Therapy in Advanced Breast Cancer
PhD. thesis, by Marwa Mahmoud Hussein, entitled "Concurrent Chemical Therapy in Advanced Breast Cancer Cases", has been discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Rabab Mohamed Gaafar, Prof. Dr.\ Ahmed Mustafa Abdul-Wareth, and Prof. Dr.\ Wafaa Abdu-Allah Ahmed. ...Details

Kidney Cancer Treatment
M.Sc. thesis, by Sameh Mohamed Samir, entitled "The Methods Related to Kidney Cancer Treatment", will be discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Gamal Emira Mohamed, Prof. Dr.\ Reda Hasan Tobashy, and Dr.\ Ehab Samy Fayek. ...Details

Primary Resection and Early Staged Eesection
PhD. thesis, by Yasser Abdul-Hamid El-Debeiky, entitled "Primary resection versus early staged resection within one week ( qusai – single ) for acute obstructing colorectal cancer ", has been discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ GamalEmira Abdul-Halim, Prof. Dr.\ Ahmed Farg Ahmed, Prof. Dr.\ Ahmed Fuaad Atya, and Dr.\ Ahmed Mustafa Ahmed. ...Details

Surgical Oncology
PhD. thesis, by Antar El-Afary, entitled "Reconstruction By pancreaticojejunostomy Versus Pancreaticogastrostomy Following pancreaticoduodenectomy", has been discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Wahid Youssry Garir, Prof. Dr.\ Samy Ramzy Shehata, Prof. Dr.\ Hussein Osama Soliman, and Dr.\ Ahmed Mustafa Ahmed. ...Details
Stem Cells of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients
Committee of Arbitration has been formed for PhD. thesis, by Tamer Abdul-Aziz Abdul-Salam, entitled "Experimental Study of Stem Cells Extracted from Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients", at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Metawe Essa El-Husseiny, Prof. Dr.\ Alaa-el-Din Ismail, and Dr.\ Abeer Mustafa Ashmawy. Committee of Arbitration and Discussion is composed of Prof. Dr.\ Metawe Essa El-Husseiny, Prof. Dr.\ Ra...Details

Caveats in Interpretation of Clinical Trials
Caveats in Interpretation of Clinical Trials A workshop organized by Medical Oncology Department In Collaboration with the Clinical Research Center Of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute Venue : Sofotil Hotel Aljazeera , Cairo Date and Time : May 16 , 2013 , 3-8 PM ...Details

Locally Advanced Breast Cancer
PhD. thesis, by Heba Attia, entitled "The Role of neoadjvant aromatase inhibitors in ER / PR positive HER – 1neu negative in postmenopausal females with locally advanced breast cancer", has been discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Heba El-Zawahry, Prof. Dr.\ Othman Mansour, Prof. Dr.\ Nadia Mokhtar, Prof. Dr.\ Hasan Abdu-Allah, and Prof. Dr.\ Rabab Gaafar. ...Details

Early Laryngeal Lesions
PhD. thesis, by Ahmed Sherif Ibrahim, entitled "Role of microlaryngosurgery in the management of early laryngeal lesions", has been discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Ayman Abdul-Wahab Amin, Prof. Dr.\ Ali Hasan Maabad, Prof. Dr.\ Nabil Galal Mohamed, Prof. Dr.\ Sherif Abdul-Aziz Ahmed, and Prof. Dr.\ Mohamed El-Sawy. ...Details
Common Adult Cancers
M.Sc. thesis, by Rasha Mahmoud Mohamed, entitled "Trends in Age and Gender of the most common adult cancers at National Cancer Institute", has been discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Enas Ahmed Anwar, and Prof. Dr.\ Manar Mohamed Mounir. Committee of Arbitration is composed of Prof. Dr.\ Enas Ahmed Anwar, Dr.\ Mohamed Hasan Hussein, and Prof. Dr.\ Mohsen Abdul-Hamid Ahmed. ...Details

A Tool for Change Management
On 29/4/2013, a conference, entitled "Strategic Planning: A Tool for Change Management", will be lectured by Dr.\ Sherif Shoaib, Development and Planning Consultant, and Dr.\ Moneer Aboul-Ela, Professor of Surgical Oncology, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. The conference will be held at Conference Hall NCI, from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. ...Details

New Advances in NCI Radiology Service
New Advances in NCI Radiology Service Dr. Wael Darwish Lecturer of Radiology National Cancer Institute- Cairo University Dr. Tamer Mostafa Assistant Lecturer of Radiology National Cancer Institute- Cairo University...Details

Acute Leukemia Conditions
M.Sc. thesis, by Ehab Abdul-Rahman Ibrahim, entitled "A Study about The Remaining Minor Effects of Acute Leukemia Conditions", has been registered at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Nasr Mohamed, Prof. Dr.\ Ola Khorshid, and Dr.\ Eman Qandil. ...Details

Chronic Leukemia Patients
Therapy for Chronic Leukemia Patients at National Cancer Institute during the Last Five Years", has been registered at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Magdy Mohamed Saber, Prof. Dr.\ Manar Mohamed Mounir, and Prof. Dr.\ Ahmed Abdul-Maaboud Zein-el-aabdin. ...Details

Neurological Blockage of Abdominal Plexus
PhD. thesis, by Suzan Adlan, entitled "Neurological Blockage of Abdominal Plexus Guided by CT Scan Analogous to X-Rays in Cancer Pain Treatment of the Upper Part of the Abdomin", has been registered at National Cancer institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Khaled Abdul-Hamid, Prof. Dr.\ Ekram Hamed Mahmoud, Prof. Dr.\ Azza Fuaad Omran, and Dr.\ Ahmed Shaker Ragab. ...Details

Liver Cancer Patients
Committee of Arbitration has been formed for a thesis, entitled "Experimental Study on Isolated Stem Cells of Liver Cancer Patients", by Tamer Abdul-Aziz Abdul-Salam, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Metawe Eisa El-Husseiny, Prof. Dr.\ Alaa-el-din Ismail, Dr.\ Abir Mustafa, Dr.\ Abir Mustafa Ashmawy, and Dr.\ Abir Mustafa El-Sayed. ...Details

Liver Tumors
PhD. thesis, by Dr.\ Noha Hasan Radwan, entitled "Evaluating Glypican3 in Cases of Liver Tumors", will be discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Dr.\ Nevin Mustafa El-Hefnawy, Prof. Dr.\ Heba Mohamed El-Zawahry, Dr.\ Ghada Ibrahim Mosallam, and Dr.\ Eman Attia Abdul Gawad. ...Details

Pediatric Oncology Medicine
The Euro-Arab Fellowship Fund for Oncology will hold a course in pediatric oncology medicine from 17 – 18/5/2013 in Cairo, provided that the first day of the course will be held at the National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, whereas the second day will be held at Children's Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357. ...Details

Information Network and Medical Statistics
Computer course will be held to Msc. and PhD. students on 16/3/2013. It is organized through the cooperation between information network and Medical Statistics Department. ...Details

New Rules of Promotions
Staff Members Club, Cairo University, announced holding a seminar about criteria of selecting arbitrators of promotion committees and new rules of promotions as well. On 6/3/2013, the seminar has been presented by Prof. Dr.\ Ahmed Abdul Aziz, Assistant of Higher Education Minister at Staff Members Club, El-Manial. ...Details

Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Benign Tumors
Dr.\ Reem Emad has award of distinctive presentation in discussion of theses of February 2013. This is because of discussing a PhD, entitled "Stereotactic radiotherapy for benign tumors around the eye". ...Details

Pulmonary Infiltrates in Pediatric Malignancies
PhD. Thesis,by Youssef Madany Said, entitled "Impact of lung biopsy in diagnosis and management of pulmonary infiltrates in pediatric malignancies", has been discussed at National Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences (NILES), Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Loubna Mohamed El-Amin, Prof. Dr.\ Hala Taha Salem, Prof. Dr.\ Maged Mohamed El-Shafei, and Prof .Dr.\ Madiha Ahmed El-Wak. Committee of Arbitration and Discussion is composed of Pr...Details

Causes of obstructive Jaundice
Msc. thesis, by Ashraf Sobhy Zakariah, entitled "Assessment of the causes of obstructive jaundice caused by cancerous tumors in National Cancer Institute", has been discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Mohamed Gamil Abdul Moneim, Prof. Dr.\ Nilly Hasan Ali El-Din, and Prof. Dr.\ Ali Hasan Maabad. ...Details

Transplanting Stem Cell for Children
PhD. Thesis, by Nesrin Ali Ahmed, entitled "Immunity recovery after transplanting stem cell for children", has been discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Alaa Mohamed El-Haddad, Prof. Dr.\ Sahar Ahmed Khalil, and Dr.\ Eman Kamal Abdul Fattah. Committee of Arbitration and Discussion is composed of Prof. Dr.\ Alaa Mohamed El-Haddad, Prof. Dr.\ Loubna Mohamed El-Amin, and Prof. Dr.\ Laila Metwally Sherif....Details

Children with Ganglia Cancer (Alnaoroblastomo)
PhD. Thesis, by Amr Abdu Allah Salem, entitled "Existence of tyrosine hydroxylase enzyme, and its reference to existence of a minimum of the remnants of the disease in children with ganglia cancer (Alnaoroblastomo) distinguished with high-risk and its impact on the outcome of the treatment after transplanting bone marrow transplantation", has been discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Alaa Mohame...Details

Application of Activities and Achievements of Staff Member
Higher Education Ministry seeks staff members to fill in application of activities and achievements of staff member. You can download the application from this website: http://www.highedu.eg/. Staff members should also upload their applications to the same website after filling in their applications. The ministry calls upon heads of departments of all the faculties of different universities to upload certified electronic copies before the 1st of March, 2013. The...Details

Liver Cancer Cases
PhD. thesis, by Riham Fouaad Metawe, entitled "Qualitative appearance of Reese 1 and Reese 2 as a causal factor in cases of liver cancer", has been discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Khaled Mustafa Abul Enein, Dr.\ Mohamed Abdul Hamid Hamad, and Dr.\ Mohamed Abdul Hamid El-Kalaawy. Committee of Arbitration and Discussion is composed of Prof. Dr.\ Khaled Mustafa Abul Enein, Prof. Dr.\ Basma Mustafa El-Ga...Details

Spread of Cancerous Tumors
Msc. thesis,by Osama Salah Abdul Khalek, entitled "Spine pain arising from the spread of cancerous tumors", has been discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Salah El-Din Ahmed Ibrahim, Prof. Dr.\ Naglaa Abdu Allah Ahmed, and Dr.\ Dina Nabil Abbas. Committee of Arbitration and Discussion is composed of Prof. Dr.\ Salah El-Din Ahmed Ibrahim, Prof. Dr.\ Khaled Abdul Hamid Mustafa, and Prof. Dr.\ Salwa Abdul Gha...Details

Is Breast Cancer a Preventable Disease
On Monday, December 10, 8.30-10.00 a.m., a Weekly Scientific Meeting, entitled "Is Breast Cancer a Preventable Disease" has been held at NCI Conference Hall by National Cancer Institute. It has been attended by Dr. Heba ElZawahry, Professor of Medical Oncology, National Cancer Institute-Cairo University, Clinical Utility of Tumor Markers, and Dr.Iman Atteya, Assistant Professor of Clinical Pathology, National Cancer Institute – Cairo University....Details

Breast cancer & GIF
The Egyptian Society for surgical Oncology in cooperation with Surgical Oncology Department, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, will hold its annual conference, entitled "Update in surgical oncology, breast cancer & GIF" from 10 – 12/4/2013, Radison Hotel, El-Arab Tower, Alexandria....Details

Thoracic Epidural versus General Anesthesia
On 27/11/2012, Ph.D. thesis, by Mohamed Metwally Ali, entitled "Thoracic Epidural versus General Anesthesia for Modified Radical Mastectomy IN Patients with Chronic Pulmonary Diseases", will be discussed at Pathology, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Naglaa Abdul Allah Ahmed, Prof. Dr.\ Mohamed Tarek Mohamed, Prof. Dr.\ Somaya Abdul Aziz, and Prof. Dr.\ Salma Ibrahim Abdul Moaty....Details

Colo- rectal cancer in patients 30 years & younger
On 26/11/2012, Msc. thesis, by Mohamed Kamel Kamel, entitled "Colo- rectal cancer in patients 30 years & younger", will be discussed at Surgical Oncology, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University.. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Wahid Yousry Garir, Prof. Dr.\ Dalia Belal Mohamed, and Dr.\ Tarek El-Baradei....Details

Ph.D Samir Ahmed Shawky, entitled "DNA METHYLAION STATUS OF DAPK AND MTIG GENES IN DIFFUSE LARGE B – CELL LYMPHOMA AND ITS CLINICAL RELEVANCE ", has been discussed and approved at National Cancer Institute. It was The committee of judgment was composed A. D.Abeer Ahmed Bahnasy, a. D. Majida Mourad, a. D.sana helal....Details

Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Ph.D Samir Ahmed Shawky, entitled " Prognostic Value of BAALC and ERG gene Expression in Acute Non – Lymphoblastic Leukemia "", has been discussed and approved at National Cancer Institute. It was The committee of judgment was composed A. D.Abeer Ahmed Bahnasy, a. D. Majida Mourad, a. D.sana helal....Details

pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Master, Ahmed Fouad Mohammed, entitled " Management of pancreatic fistulae following surgery for pancreatic adenocarcinoma"", has been discussed and approved at National Cancer Institute. It was The committee of judgment was composed D.Jamal Amira Mohammed, a. D. Mohammed Hameed Kulaawi, a. D. Essam Shelbaieh. ...Details

Role of laparoscopic surgery
Master, Jalal Rafiq Mohammed Abdo, entitled "Role of laparoscopic surgery in the management of ovarian malignancy"", has been discussed and approved at National Cancer Institute. It was The committee of judgment was composed A. D. wahed uosray Greer, a. D. Sherif Ismail safe, a. D. Fahim Basiony....Details

Measurement of Pain
On 22/10/2012, the Weekly Scientific Meeting, entitled "Measurement of Pain, Preoperative Care of Major Thoracic Surgery, Interpretation of Arterial Blood Gases", will be organized by Cairo University, National Cancer Institute (NCI) at NCI Conference Hall, from 8.30 - 10.00 am. It will be lectured by Professor Salah Ibrahim (Anaesthesia & Pain Relief), Professor Sahar A.Haleem (Anaesthesia & Pain Relief) ...Details

the Eighth Scientific Symposium
On 18/10/2012, the Eighth Scientific Symposium, entitled "Dentist and tumors of the mouth", will be organized by unit of oral and dental surgery, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University at the institute's great hall. The registration is at the unit's secretary. ...Details

Ligasure vessel sealing
COVIDIEN In Collaboration with Egyptian society of Head &neck Oncology we are honored to invite you all to attend the Head and Neck master class focus on Parotid Surgery and Radical neck dissection using the most advanced Technology Ligasure vessel sealing with Live transmission from the National cancer Institution discussing the technology and new approaches in the partotid Surgery in order to give the best care to our patient on 26&27th Of Septembe...Details

Organize a clinic leukemia
On 25/9/2012, for the sake of Leukemia patients, an awareness meeting Leukemia will be organized by Clinic of Leukemia, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University at the institute's main hall....Details

On 17\9\2012, a Master thesis, by Sarah Fathi Amin Ahmed, entitled "Validation of the accuracy of the adjuvant online in predicting the outcome in early breast cancer patients" has been discussed at Oncology at the National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. The thesis is supervised by Prof. A. D.Mustafa Mahmoud El Serafy, a. D. Inas Al-Attar, a. D.. Ola Muhammad Khurshid ...Details

Test of the European Society of Oncology
On 29/9/2012, Test of the European Society of Oncology will be held by National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. More information is at www.esmo.org...Details

Isa Won the University's Recognition Award
Prof. Dr.\ Saad Isa, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, has won the university's Recognition Award for the field of Advanced Technology Science....Details

Conference of the Egyptian Society of Hematology
On 17/10/2012, the ninth Conference of the Egyptian Society of Hematology & Research ( ESHR) will be held for two days, at Grand Nile Tower , Hotel, Cairo– Egypt....Details

Intraperitoneal Hyperthermic Chemotherapy and Gastrointestinal Cancer
On 16/7/2012, Msc. thesis, by Hisham Hasan Abdul Majid, entitled "Intraperitoneal Hyperthermic Chemotherapy in Management of Gastrointestinal Peritoneal Carcinomatosis", will be discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Wahid Youssry Garir, Dr.\ Othman Mohamed Mansour, and Dr.\ Tarek Sherif El Bradei. Committee of Judgment is composed of Prof. Dr.\ Wahid Youssry Garir, Prof. Dr.\ Mohamed Gamil Abdul Moneim, ...Details

Passive Smoking and Breast Cancer
On 14/7/2012, Msc. thesis, by Eman Desouky Taha, entitled " Passive Smoking and Glutathione S Transferase(GST)" Polymorphism in Breast Cancer, a Case-Control Study", will be discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Nelly Hasan Ali El Din, Prof. Dr.\ Abdul Hady Ali, and Dr.\ Dalia Belal Mohamed. Committee of Judgment is composed of Prof. Dr.\ Nelly Hasan Ali, Prof. Dr.\ Amal Samy Ibrahim, and Prof. Dr.\...Details

Acute Lymphatic Leukemia in Children
On 15/7/2012, Msc. thesis, by Marwa Mohamed Yehia, entitled "Referential Study of Acute Lymphatic Leukemia in Children Experience of National Cancer Institute", will be discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Emad Nabil Ebeid, Prof. Dr.\ Nelly Hasan Mohamed, and Dr.\ Eman Ali Attia. Committee of Judgment is composed of Prof. Dr.\ Emad Nabil Ebeid, Prof. Dr.\ Eman Sedhom, Prof. Dr.\ Elhamy Refky Abdul Khale...Details

Pain Presentations in Children
On 14/6/2012, MSc. thesis, by Ashraf Ahmed Mohamed, entitled "Pain Presentations in Children", will be discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Salah El Din Ahmed Ibrahim, Prof. Dr.\ Somaya Mansour, and Dr.\ Ekramy Mansour Abdul Ghaffar. Committee of Judgment is composed of Prof. Dr.\ Salah El Din Ahmed Ibrahim, Prof. Dr.\ Khaled Abdul Hamid Mustafa, and Prof. Dr.\ Salwa Shaa'lan....Details

Cells in Peripheral Blood of Breast Cancer Patients
On 13/6/2012, Ph.D. thesis, by Abir Salah El Said, entitled "Molecular Detection of Cytokeratin 19 mRNA Ppstive Cells in Peripheral Blood of Breast Cancer Patients", will be discussed at National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. It is supervised by Prof. Dr.\ Nevin Mustafa El Hefnawy, Prof. Dr.\ Amany Mohamed Helal, Prof. Dr.\ Aml Fawzy Mohamed, and Prof. Dr.\ Eman Loa'ay Hussein. Committee of Judgment is composed of Prof. Dr.\ Nevin Mustafa El Hefnawy,...Details