A word about the vocational diploma

No doubt that working in the field of HR management is one of the finest, best-paid, and greatly-demanded jobs nowadays in the labor market. Since HR management concerns itself with the management and development of relations between an organization and its HR, it was normal therefore that the worker-selection criteria change by the advent of information technology in this area and especially in companies and large enterprises in Egypt and the Arab States. This diploma is characterized by being unprecedented in the type of scientific and vocational academic qualifications that it offers, over and above the professional experience and skills in the use of the latest computer applications in this area, seeing that large companies are now no longer using other conventional methods.

The aim of this vocational diploma

Given these fundamental changes in this post on account of the introduction of modern systems for information technology and other advanced mechanisms, a number of experts and consultants working in HR departments in major institutions has designed the training and practical content of this diploma so as to raise the graduates’ academic, vocational and professional standards in order to be able to compete in the labor market for this post.

 Diploma training content

 The training content of this diploma is divided into two parts with a total of 200 hours.

Part 1: (key concepts-basics-strategies) 100 hours of training

This part includes key concepts and experiences in designing modern strategies and triggering advanced mechanisms in HR management, namely,  

1.      Modern concepts of HR management

2.      A strategic introduction to HR management

3.      Modern mechanisms in HR planning 

4.      Modern mechanisms in job descriptions and job analysis 

5.      Advanced strategies in the employment of HR

6.      Modern frameworks of career management

7.      Job evaluation and wage and salary structure design

8.      Exclusivity in motivating HR 

9.      Strategies for assessing and evaluating HR performance 

10.   Making plans and policies for developing and upgrading HR

Academic Affairs - Academic Services - Center of Research and Commercial Studies