Academic Programs with International Universities

Cairo University offers a range of dual programs in collaboration with international universities:

Undergraduate Programs:

* French Program at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science

* French Program at the Faculty of Law (The Institute of International Affairs Law (IDAI) with Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne.

* Program with Georgia State University in 5 majors: Finance and Investment, Accounting and Finance, Accounting and Auditing, Risk Management, and Marketing.

* Banking and Finance with East London University, UK.

* Accounting and Finance with East London University, UK.


Dual andInterdisciplinary Masters programs:

1. Master degree in development economics with the university of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France.

2. Master degree in international law with Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France.

3. Master degree in Sustainability and Smart Cities in Africa and the Mediterranean region with Ecole Centrale Marseille (ECM), in Marseille, France.

4. Master degree in Green Process Engineering with the University of Rovira Virgili, Spain.

5. Master degree in Spanish Language and Culture with Salamanca University, Spain.

6. Master degree in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency with the University of Kassel, Germany.

7. Master degree in law and economics of the Arab Region (MLEA) with the Institute of Law and Economics (ILE), Hamburg University, Germany.

8. Master degree in urban design: Reviving Historic Areas of Cities with Cottbus University, Germany.

9. Master degree in environmental Archaeology with Cologne University, Germany.

Students Life - Student services - Academic Programs with International Universities