First term exams (January round) of Open University - Cairo University, start on Saturday 30, 2016, and continue until February 15, 2016. All exam arrangements of The Open University – Cairo University were finished for the students of Faculties of Arts, Commerce, Mass Communication, Dar El-Ulum, Agriculture, Law, and Kindergarten. Exams are conducted by 21 programs under the full academic supervision for Open University faculties. Prof. Dr. Sayed Tag el-Din, The Director of Open University Center – Cairo University, said that exams are held at Cairo University at the Educational Building exam halls, at the university campus, and at Educational Building Halls, at Students University Hostel and Faculty of Dar El-Ulum Halls. Exams are held for students of regions and partnership universities at the center headquarters at governorates. Learners at Arab countries perform their exams on the same days at the headquarters of the branches at Arab countries.
Prof. Dr. Gaber Nassar, Cairo University President, confirmed providing adequate numbers of security personnel for securing the examination process, preparing exam halls, and providing students with comfort during the exam duration. Nassar said that all services should be provided for students to perform their exams. He assigned the medical administration and Student Hospital with providing ambulance, doctor and first-aid man at every building where exams are held to provide students with all the medical care they need.
Prof. Dr. Sayed Tag el-Din said that all exam arrangements are finished, pointing out that visits are currently made to Open University branches at regions to make sure that exam halls are adequately equipped. The preparation of exam schedules, place and student seat numbers on Open University Website are finished. Besides, staff members conducted the academic supervision on exams at governorates and Arab countries. He also stressed that the rules approved by Cairo University Council regarding the sanctions imposed on the students turned over for investigation, in either cheating or rioting cases, are going to be implemented inside exam halls. This is by depriving the student from 3 subjects in case of trying to cheat, and cancelling the exams of a whole term in case a student is caught in the act of cheating, and preventing mobile phones from entering exam halls according to Supreme Council of Universities resolution. Tag el-Din proceeded that learners were informed on their pages with exam rules and law implementations in cases of cheat or riots inside exam halls.
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