Cairo University Council Nominates Number of Doctors for State Awards in 2016

Cairo University Council Nominates Number of Doctors for State Awards in 2016

Cairo University Council approved, in its meeting, the final nominations for the state awards of 2016 in the light of the standards approved by Awards Council, controls and nomination conditions approved by Academy of Scientific Research & Technology and Supreme Council for Culture. A bunch of doctors were awarded the Nile Award. They are a Professor Liver Viruses at Kasr Al-Ainy Medical School Gamal-Eldin Essmat who won the Nile Award in Science and a Professor of Engineering Hussein Ibrahim Anis who won the Nile Award in Advanced Technological Science. A Professor of Arts Ahmed Zayed won the Nile Award in Social Science, a Professor of Arts Mohamed Hamdy Ibrahim won the Nile Award in Arts and a Professor of Specific Education Mustafa El-Razaz won the Nile Award in Art.

A group of doctors won Merit Award of State in Science, Art, Arts, and Social Science. Cairo University Council approved the nomination of a Professor of Science Hamdy Mahmoud Hassanein in Basic Science Sector and Cairo University Vice-President for Graduate Studies and Research Amr Adly in Engineering Sector. A Professor of Medicine Mohamed Sobhy Ahmed Zaky was nominated for the award in Medical Science Sector, a Professor of Agriculture Mohamed Ahmed Abul-Enein was nominated for the award in Agricultural Science Sector. A Professor of Academy of Art Shaker Abdel-Hamid Soliman was nominated for the award in Art Sector, a Professor of Arts Abdel-Hakim Abdel-Rady was nominated for the award in Arts Sector and a Professor of Graduate Studies for Education Samy Nassar was nominated for the award in Social Science.

Cairo University Council approved the nomination of a group of doctors for Merit Award of State in Advanced Technological Science. A Professor of Laser Sciences Mohamed Abdel-Hareth Abdel-Rahman was nominated for the award in Basic Science Sector and a Professor of Engineering Mohamed Mohamed Mogahed was nominated for the award in Engineering Science. A Professor of Medicine Olfat Gamil Shaker was nominated for the award in Medical Science Sector and a Professor of Veterinary Medicine Mosaad Abdel-Hamid Elhelaly was nominated or the award in Agricultural Science Sector.

Cairo University Council approved the nomination of a group of doctors for Pioneers Award in Basic Science, Engineering, Medical Science, and Agricultural Science Sector. A Professor of Faculty of Science Lotfeya Mohamed Elnady, a Professor of Faculty of Engineering Farouk Ismail, a Professor of Faculty of Medicine Mohamed Sherif Mokhtar and a Professor of Veterinary Medicine Mohamed Atef Ahmed Shahat were nominated for the award.

Cairo University Council approved the increase of international publication awards that are presented to academic staff members who publish their researches in the name of Cairo University in global journals and periodicals at rate of 50%. This increase is maintained for coping with the increase of international publication costs and encouraging academic staff members to continue scientific research and publication at international level.

Cairo University Council commended the efforts exerted by Cairo University Hospitals and National Cancer Institute for developing their performance and presenting free treatment to patients. The council also praised the role of Nursing Professors and Staff for enhancing medical services and treatment presented for citizens. The Council applauded the role played by Kasr Al-Ainy Medical School and Community Service Sector in sending medical convoys to needy areas. The last convoy has been to Ras Ghareb and New Valley. The Council urged the continuity of sending medical convoys to different governorates as it is a genuine service presented by Cairo University in serving community.

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Cairo University Council Nominates Number of Doctors for State Awards in 2016 - Cairo University