Cairo University Begins Preparations for Second Term Exams, Trains 1028 Academic Staff Members on Exam Paper Specifications

Cairo University Begins Preparations for Second Term Exams, Trains 1028 Academic Staff Members on Exam Paper Specifications

Cairo University begins the preparations for second term exams, for the academic year 2016/2017, which are scheduled to start by mid-May, provided that they are finished before Eid Al Fitr vacation. Cairo University administration notified its faculties of the necessity of finishing exams schedules preparation and announcing them for students sufficiently in advance of the beginning of exams. The university administration also urged faculties to determine the heads of exams controls and abide by the eligibility conditions that should be met by academic staff members, committee heads and their deputies. Cairo University faculties are also urged to count numbers of proctors and inform them about exams disciplines, not to accept excuses without approval of Faculty Dean, or Cairo University Vice-Dean for Education and Students Affairs, or Cairo University President approval of excuse acceptance. Faculties must convey the required numbers of exam proctors to Cairo University Secretary-General. Cairo University President Gaber Nassar stressed avoiding holding pavilions for performing students exams, but equipping exams academy with comfort necessities for students during the exams held in Holy Ramadan.

Cairo University Vice-President for Education and Students Affairs Mohamed Osman El-Khosht said that ،،Cairo University faculties are urged to approve exams schedules after consulting students, determine heads of exam controls, and prepare instructions for proctors and students. Faculties must appeal to exams controls heads or a their deputies for attendance during exams, form committees for examinees and records for students and proctors, appeal to subject professors for attendance on exam time of their subjects, and monitor marks electronically.,,

El-Khost added that ،،Cairo University faculties are informed about exam paper specifications in terms of form and content including, student grade, curricula title, curricula code, exam date and exam material. Exam questions should be comprehensive and measure varied and multiple levels of student performance. Time allowed for exam should be suitable.,,

Cairo University finished training 1028 academic staff members on exam paper specifications according to objectivity and the conditions mentioned in specifications in terms of form and content.,,

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Cairo University Begins Preparations for Second Term Exams, Trains 1028 Academic Staff Members on Exam Paper Specifications - Cairo University