Cairo University announces launching a competition among thinkers, university professors, and specialists to participate in preparing or translating two books; the first is on critical thinking and the second is on entrepreneurship. The two books are intended to be two curricula and requirements for graduation of all university students whatever their disciplines starting from the upcoming year.
Cairo University President Mohamed Othman Elkhosht said that the Critical Thinking curriculum aims at providing students with thinking skills and applications in all situations, fields and problems they face in their daily life. It enables them to define the logical structure of proofs and suggested opinions, types, analysis, explore their credibility, strengths and shortcomings, and detect common mistakes in thinking especially preconceived judgments, acquire marketing skills, employ them, and utilize them in different situations.
The Entrepreneurship curriculum aims at providing all students with necessary skills for succeeding as entrepreneurs by acquiring the basics of starting projects, developing plans for them, search for sources of finance, and market their products or services. It imparts to students the ability to realize the importance of entrepreneurship and small-scale projects role in development and revenues for individuals and society and organize small-scale projects and manage them.
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