The Implementation of Cairo University Project for the Mechanization of the University Administrations and the Development of Employees Skills

The Implementation of Cairo University Project for the Mechanization of the University Administrations and the Development of Employees Skills

Cairo University has started carrying out a program for developing the skills of administration system employees at Cairo University, in the context of a plan that targets providing the employees with applied skills, leadership creativity, communication skills, collective work, planning, censorship, and preparing development projects at administrations.

Professor Gaber Nassar, President of Cairo University, has held several meetings attended by vice presidents of Cairo University and directors of different administrations for acquainting with the university project concerning the university mechanization and digitization as well as modeling the different administrations aiming at uplifting the administrative system of Cairo University to a high quality level. This helps in carrying out the procedures of getting ISO certificate in education quality and rehabilitating it to get quality and accreditation in education administration and scientific research in not more than two years after achieving about 30% of the project. Cairo University formed multiple committees that include professors and experts from inside and outside the university to carry out the project, based on several themes, through lectures and workshops that aim at developing employees’ skills in using new applications for work according to the work nature of each administration and its role in the educational and research process in the university.

One of the committees has finished the training program of employees in the public administration for Information and Documentation Center at Cairo University.  This administration is specialized in providing graphic information and statistics for helping the supreme administration in decision making. The training program includes several lectures and applications, over two weeks, targeting developing skills in the field of new uses for information centers at modern universities and its importance in making decision, providing information in different fields, and using modern technology in its documentation. The administration employees have been divided into three groups, each group has finished the preparation of development project.  The arbitration committees, composed of Professor Adel Zayed, Professor of Administration, Professor Sayed Kasseb, The General Supervisor of Information and Documentation Center, Yosry Ibrahim, General Secretary of Cairo University, and Mohamed Abdullah, General Director of Cairo University President Office, have evaluated the projects presented by each group aiming at reaching one project that gathers serious ideas and features in the three projects to be accredited in carrying out the development process of the center.

Mohamed Abdullah, the General Director of Cairo University Office, has said that Professor Gaber Nassar has directed carrying out similar training courses in different administrations according to the nature of each administration. He pointed out that the university will provide necessary potentials for those courses to speed up the implementation of developing the administrative system in the scheduled time.

Elite of professors and experts have contributed to the implementation of the program at Information and Documentation Center. Doctor Adel Zayed, Professor of Administration, Doctor Ibrahim Shawky, Professor of Psychology, Doctor Kamel Omran, Professor of Human Resources, and Doctor Enas Hamed, Professor of Mass Communication, are among those elite of professors and experts.

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The Implementation of Cairo University Project for the Mechanization of the University Administrations and the Development of Employees Skills - Cairo University