Cairo University Honors 641 Researchers for Publishing their Researches at the International Level

Cairo University Honors 641 Researchers for Publishing their Researches at the International Level

On May 31, 2015, Cairo University holds a ceremony for honoring a new group of staff members from different faculties and institutes of Cairo University for publishing their scientific researches in the name of Cairo University at the International Level in scientific periodicals and journals globally ranked during the first half of year 2014. This comes in the context of Cairo University's efforts for promoting scientific research among staff members in different scientific sectors and encouraging them to publish their research at the international level to develop Cairo University's international ranking.


During the ceremony held at 12, Grand Celebration Hall, Cairo University, Prof. Dr.\ Gaber Nassar, President of Cairo University, distributes awards of international publication granted by Cairo University for about 741 researchers who published about 1278 researches at international scientific journals until May 2014. This is to be witnessed by Vice Presidents of University, Faculties Deans, and staff members.

Cairo University also honors those who excelled in enriching electronic websites on Cairo University website. The number of the honorees are 10 staff members, and the total sum of monetary awards is 20, 000 EGPs as well as certificates of merit.

Prof. Dr.\ Gamal Essmat, Vice President of Cairo University for Graduate Studies and Research, has pointed out that Faculty of Science represents the largest rate of the number of internationally published researches during that period, followed by Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, then Faculty of Engineering. He pointed out that developing the amount of the internationally published scientific researches among staff members of the university in different specialties as well as the increase of number of researchers is due to a group of policies followed by Cairo University to encourage international publication so as to get the world introduced to the researches of Cairo University staff members, as well as boosting the criteria of enlisting Cairo University in international rankings. Essmat added that Cairo University provides the fund necessary for encouraging staff members' research in the name of Cairo University at the international level. 

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Cairo University Honors 641 Researchers for Publishing their Researches at the International Level - Cairo University