Cairo University President Gaber Nassar inspected exam halls of Open Education, Cairo University, where open education students perform their exams in July round, 2016. Prof. Dr. Gaber Nassar checked out the progress of open education exam work conducted in Cairo, governorates and Arab countries by cameras that connect between exam headquarters in governorates and the main headquarter in Cairo. Nearly 78, 000 students of open education faculties programs perform their exams.
Prof. Dr. Gaber Nassar talked during his tour in exam halls with students on applying Bubble Sheet exam system. He said to reporters after his tour that Cairo University Council is going to discuss in the next meeting on July 31, 2016, implementing Bubble sheet exam system in the exams of all Cairo University faculties. This after the success of nearly 70% of the exams of Faculty of Commerce, Faculty of Dar El-Ulum and Open Education this academic year by applying Bubble Sheet system. Nassar expressed his delight with implementing this system. He pointed out that the university is working on developing open education system in general according to what Supreme Council of University approved in its previous session regarding open education. Nassar added that the university is going to provide a technological substructure that contributes to integrating open education with e-learning.
Nassar said that about 80, 000 answer sheets of open education exams were corrected within four days only out of 100, 000 sheets. He pointed out that developing educational process in Cairo University is greatly connected with developing exam systems by balancing between essay questions and multiple-choice questions. Nassar added that the development witnessed by Cairo University in exam systems development saves money, eliminates study sheets, counters cheating, effectively measure student level and achieve fairness in correction.
Open Education Center Director Elsayed Tag-Eldin referred to the remarkable decrease in cheating after applying Bubble sheet exam system which was corrected by computer without human interference. A single device corrects 1, 200 papers per hour. Thus, it speed up exam correction process and results announcement and decreases cheating remarkably.
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