Cairo University Honors Faculty Members for Publishing International Research

Cairo University Honors Faculty Members for Publishing International Research

 Elkhosht: ،Scientific Research Investment being Important for Treating Specific Issues to Support Development and Economy,

Cairo University honors a new group of faculty and institute members publishing scientific research at international level in 2017 (second version) in a ceremony held at Grand Celebration Hall at Cairo University on Monday, December 18, 2017. Cairo University President Mohamed Osman Elkhosht, Vice-Presidents, faculty deans, faculty members and researchers distribute awards and certificates of recognition of international publication among researchers. 

Cairo University President Mohamed Osman Elkhosht said in a speech during the ceremony that Cairo University is keen on presenting full support to increase international publication and enhance the position of Cairo University in global rankings. He pointed out that he has a vision related to the importance of scientific research investment which faculty members conduct in processing specific issues related to development and economy. He added that there is a gap between scientific research and the needs of the state. He said that increasing the volume of exports should be focused on to increase national income and know about imports to provide Egyptian alternatives.

Elkhosht proceeds that Cairo University submits applied research projects through its researchers to provide alternatives for fish feed and imported poultry which leads to providing hard currency and new job opportunities. Elkhosht pointed out that feasibility studies are important for research projects in general to meet the investment map of Egypt.

Cairo University President illustrates that speedy steps were taken for raising the number of international student number since he assumed the presidency of the university. Increasing their number will lead to the increase of university resources and national income sources for Egypt. He pointed out that increasing the number of international students in Cairo University leads to enhancing its position in QS World University Rankings.

Cairo University President said that the university is greatly concerned with scientific research system and projects that will yield reasonable economic returns. He pointed out that Cairo University financed research projects for 2017 and held innovation and invention competition for students.

Cairo University Vice-President for Postgraduate Studies and Research Amr Adly illustrated that Cairo University acquired 15% of international research published in the name of Egypt over 5 years, estimated equivalent to 1/6 of research in Egypt published at international level.  

Adly added that Cairo University established research databases in Arabic and English for researching the university impact factors, their volumes and research potentials. He pointed out that the number of scientific quotations of Cairo University research amount to 83, 000 quotations followed by Ain Shams University quotations amounting to 46, 000. He proceeded that Cairo University includes 12, 000 professor-researchers. Faculty of Science is the top ranking faculty in international publication among faculties and the number of its research amounts to 519 international researches in 2017, followed by faculties of medicine, pharmacy, engineering, veterinary medicine, and urban planning. Professor Amr Adly illustrated that the rate of Faculty of Science participation with international research at the university level amounts to 23%, then Faculty of Medicine participating with 21%, Faculty of Pharmacy with 15%, Faculty of Engineering with 11%, and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine with 7%.

Cairo University Vice-President for Postgraduate Studies and Research said that international publication contributes to enhancing Cairo University Ranking and attracting international students and educational tourism; global fame. He pointed out that Cairo University President Mohamed Osman Elkhosht took some new steps to support scientific research system. He said: ،We launched a database for Virtual Central Laboratory (VCL) and Cairo University journal JAR a month ago.,  

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Cairo University Honors Faculty Members for Publishing International Research - Cairo University