Page 5 - Cairo University The Largest University in Middle East
P. 5

• In 1925, a royal decree was issued and CU began   • In  1953,  a year after  the  23 rd  July Revolution,  the
               operating with  only four  faculties: Faculty  of   cabinet issued a decree to change the name of King
               Arts, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Medicine, and   Fouad’s University to become Cairo University.
               Faculty  of Law.  However,  some faculties  were   • In 1955, the Departments of Pharmacy and Oral and
               even established long before CU was: School of   Dental Medicine were separated from the Faculty of
               Agriculture (1889), School of Engineering (1816),   Medicine to become  independent  faculties. In  the
               and  School of Medicine (1827).                  same year,  the  branch  of Cairo  University  at  El-
             • At first, CU had no fixed headquarters.          Khartoum was inaugurated.
               Therefore, in 1928, the university began to have   • In  the academic year  1960-1961,  the Faculty of
               a permanent headquarters in its current location   Economics and Political Sciences was  established.
               based on the support  of  Princess  Fatima,      The following year witnessed the establishment of
               daughter  of  Khedive Ismail,  who donated the   the Statistical  Studies and  Research Institute  and
               land.                                            the Institute of Physiotherapy.
             • In 1940, a royal decree was issued to rename the   • In  1964,  the  High Institute  for Nursing was
               National University after King Fouad.            established and annexed to the Faculty of Medicine.
             • In 1946, the Faculty of Dar El-Ulum was affiliated
               with   the  university  and  the  inaugural    • In  1969,  the National Cancer Institute  was
               cornerstone for the Students Hostel was laid.    established.
             • In 1950,  the Students’  Hospital was founded to   • Since  its inauguration,  CU  has witnessed constant
               provide university students with comprehensive   increase  and growth  in the size  of  its campuses,
               healthcare, recognizing that mind and body must   academic staff, students, facilities, departments and
               be developed as a whole.                         faculties.

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