Broad Medical Convoy Launched by Cairo University to Offer Therapeutic Services to Qena Governorate Inhabitants

Broad Medical Convoy Launched by Cairo University to Offer Therapeutic Services to Qena Governorate Inhabitants

Cairo University concluded their broad medical and therapeutic ،،human and veterinary,, convoy launched at Qena Governorate, under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Gaber Nassar, Cairo University President, and Major-General Abdul-Hamid El-Hagan, Qena Governor. The convoy work started on Thursday, February 18, 2016, and continued for three days to offer medical and therapeutic services to the inhabitants of the governorate especially at Qena Public and, New Public Hospitals, Qous Central Hospital, and Qift Central Hospital.

During its work at Qena Governorate, the convoy was accompanied by Prof. Dr. Said Daw, Cairo University Vice-President for Community Service and Environment Development, and Prof. Dr. Mohamed Mustafa Latif, National Cancer Institute Dean. The convoy included elite of professors of Faculties of Medicine, Oral and Dental Medicine, Physical Therapy, and a number of staff members and consultant doctors in the specialties of Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, endoscopies of digestive system and liver, brain and nervous system, blood vessels, ear, nose, and throat, gynecology and obstetrics endoscopies, ophthalmology surgery, pediatric surgery, internal medicine, dermatology and venereology, dental medicine, physical therapy, oncology, rays, and analyses.

The medical convoy conducted medical examinations and offered therapy for free to about 1200 citizens at Qena Public Hospital, Qous and Qift Hospitals, as the convoy brought along a large amount of different medications. The human convoy physicians conducted 15 different surgeries at Qena Public Hospital, and some cases were transformed to Kasr Al Ainy Hospital, and held a work shop for Physiotherapists at Qena Hospitals. Whereas the veterinary convoy offered its services to the villages of Dishna, Qift and Qous counties, besides; making the people aware of the importance of livestock at these areas.

Major-General Abdul-Hamid El-Hagan, Qena Governor, received the members of Cairo University medical convoy, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Said Daw, Cairo University Vice-President, and Prof. Dr. Mohamed Mustafa Latif, National Cancer Institute Dean, as the governor headed for Qena Public Hospital with the convoy to follow-up medical cases.

Prof. Dr. Said Daw said that meetings were held with Qena Governorate leaderships at the conclusion of the convoy works to review the visit results and reach an agreement on directing visits by Cairo University convoys to other areas and villages in the governorate. Cairo University Vice-President for Community Service and Environment Development Affairs added that the university addressed Giza Governorate to get a data base for the most demanding villages for medical and veterinary convoys of Cairo University to arrange visits for them. He also pointed out that New Valley Governorate look forward for receiving medical convoys from Cairo University to serve the governorate citizens. He said that a committee of community service and environment development was formed to organize the university convoy run to remote and the most demanding areas in the framework of Cairo University societal role. 

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Broad Medical Convoy Launched by Cairo University to Offer Therapeutic Services to Qena Governorate Inhabitants - Cairo University